v0.2.0 - re-enable v0.0.14 - use arg instead of accessing main settings v0.0.13 - fix deletion of old maps - remove gzip download as it's not supported by the server - use chuncked download - fix edge detection for tiles - use combined pressure map v0.0.12 - cosmetics v0.0.11 - log script version at startup - specify urllib2 timeout v0.0.10 - fix loop init - properly handle abortrequest in loop v0.0.9 - fix crash on loop v0.0.8 - prevent endless loop v0.0.7 - fix missing import v0.0.6 - specify socket timeout v0.0.5 - use addon id for logging v0.0.4 - don't clear window properties v0.0.3 - retry failed tile downloads v0.0.2 - handle newly added speed units v0.0.1 - initial beta